Sunday 24 March 2013

Final week

The past week has been mental, Tasha and myself spent hours almost everyday trying to finish and edit the project.

The lateness did not come from laziness nor lack of organisation, because I believe we were very organised and attended all of the tutorials that were given to us, always showing progress and material to the tutors.

We had an idea in our heads that we believed would be easy to create and with all the footage, animation and sound ready we believed it was going to be easy to put it all together. It wasn't.

We had to overcome and solve some problems such as silly log-in issues in the Editing Suites (apparently there are problems when your password is too long '____' ) and then capture issues.

I decided to capture the footage at home, we recorded the footage using a camcorder with tape, so assuming I had a camera at home I could do it easily.. but no, my camera is too old and is a different brand so the capture was jumpy and laggy.

So then I rushed to university to do it all, so then I had all the problems with logging in and then more problems with capturing because my hard-drive was in FAT32 format, and we all know it doesnt take files bigger than 4GB... so we had to capture in three parts.  (I have formatted my harddrive now, to make it easy in the future).

So we had the footage, YAY!

Editing took us roughly 3 days 4-5 hours sessions. It wasn't easy and at the end we realised...
that the project is not really what we expected, however the idea was there, it was just different.

Instead of having a piece on advertisement and its power and control, we achieved a project on smarthpones and smartphones advertisement + its power and control that it has over us. Which is great!

Our idea shifted, it became even more hybrid and I am happy with the outcome, now only to burn it on to a DVD.

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