Wednesday 13 March 2013

Animation, animation, animation ...

We took photographs so we can make the animation like stop motion, but we have to edit them by cutting the figures and phones out of the background on photoshop, and adding in stylised backgrounds  made in Illustrator.

We are also going to add speech bubbles and drawings into some of the shots when we animate it.

Only thing to do now is get editing the photographs and then the soundtrack, then the interviews, then edit all together.

Some stills from today, and some notes we made on (very) possible soundtrack/voice over work.

We looked at several adverts to get ideas of slogans they use, and phrases that we, as consumers, are very familiar with, such as "terms and conditions apply" or slogans such as "I'm loving it".

We intend to repeat these phrases to change their meaning, and taking them out of context/possibly re-recording them to make them more monotone to enhance their out-of-context-ness should help us do this.

We also looked at smart phone adverts and demonstrations to aid us in the things we should include in our animations.

Our animations are almost an advert of their own, showing the features of smartphones, but almost parodying how advanced smartphones appear to perceive themselves as. We used different smartphones but showed all the features they all can do, suggesting they are not as unique as they each seem to think they are.

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