Tuesday 19 February 2013

Dragon's Den

This did not go well, we know we weren't prepared enough, the lack of engagement and lack of ideas with the project led us to quite negative feedback, which we knew would happen. 

Our idea has to be quickly developed and experimented with to see what could possibly happen and what it would look like.

Monday 11 February 2013

History of visual advertising

Printed advertisement

  • A form of advertising can be found even in 3000 BC , the Sumerians invented pictograms which could and were used to communicate messages through making marks on rocks and in caves.

  • In 105 AD , paper is discovered in China.

  • Invention of mechanical movable type printing (1439, Gutenberg)

  • First newspaper advertising (La Gazette)  - 1631 (France)

  • "Tatler" , the first world's magazine - 1709

The above show the evolution of writing and advertising very briefly, there were plenty of other important historical events that had an impact on the printed, sound and visual advertising we have now.

Finding "the first ever advert with graphics/illustrations" is not easy, advertisement suddenly became popular at the end of 19th century, many companies and advertisers used and still use slogans to promote their products and attract the attention of the public. Obviously, the point of advertising is to try to sell the product in the best possible way.

In 18th/19th century, it was quite common that skinny and what media calls now "ideal" women were not found attractive, so seeing an advert for a "get fat" product now seems quite weird and out of place:

We can't really judge on the effectiveness of this advert , the idea of ideal woman was different , maybe this was a successful ad for those women who did want to put on weight, but because nowadays women and even men tend to desire to be skinny and fit seeing a product like this would not be appealing to most at all.

I think that it is not a surprise that Coca-Cola was one of the first major companies that started advertising their products by print.

This coupon was made in 1888 to help to promote Coca-Cola, it was one of the first ways in which Coca-Cola advertised their product, it was not an advert only, it entitled a holder of this ticket to redeem it for a free bottle of coke, which was an even better and effective way of advertising.
I think that we do not have to think or talk about the design of it, the information is all there, the logo is there, the quality or layout is irrelevant. Advertising in this case was by giving people something for free, and obviously, testimonials are important, people try something, they like it and they buy it.

Audio-Visual/Visual Advertisement

First ever TV advert was broadcasted in America in 1941, so around 12 years after first TV broadcast in the US and 8 years after the first TV broadcast was launched in the UK.

The advert was very simplistic and apparently the cost of its production was only 9 dollars, very simple short announcement + usage of signifiers that stood for time and America. ( the advert was for Bulova - a watch company).

Sunday 10 February 2013

Banned and censored adverts

There has been many adverts in the history of advertising that have been censored or banned, the decision on banning/censoring some come from the ideas they show and/or the content.

Most of the time the sexual, violent and criminal references get the advertisements banned, some advertisements in the past have been scheduled to air only in evening hours, mostly because of the worries of children watching them and being negatively influenced.

Here are some banned advert examples:

Sexual reference

Sexual and sexist reference - objectifying women

Not clear reason, however I believe it is because of mixing the reality and the game nature
such as violence and murder?

Scary and freaky advertisement - not suitable for children

Media effects

Examples of the media effects campaign methods (not only in advertising): 

An interesting article on TV ads media effects:


Saturday 9 February 2013

Questionnaire methods

We have thought of a few questionnaire methods to research and gather information for our project, we are not sure what method will be the best to use and would work the best for the idea we have.

At this stage we thought of:

  • Gathering information through online questionnaire
  • In person interviews (voice recorder)
  • Video interviews (which may be used in the actual project

It is unclear to us at this stage what kind of questions we will ask to gather the information, however we will work on this so the interviews have a point.

We thought about showing people some sort of video footage (adverts?) and gather opinions on them, or just ask them questions about general advertising they have seen before, not only in video format.

Monday 4 February 2013

Tutorial #1 - Research

Things to research and think about* :

- Questionnaire - find questionnaire methods , check for existing researches etc.

- Existing research on power of advertising - media effect ( psychological and scientific ideas within advertising )

- Yes Man? Men?

- Battle Of Orgreave - Jeremy Deller

- Media manipulation - examples

- Research advertising - examples of effective and non effective adverts

- Banned adverts or censored

- History of visual advertising

* after research we will hopefully come up with ideas for questions about the media advertising for the questionnaire *